2023 Newsletters

Here are Bob and Jean Shaw's Teachings for the 2023. Below you will find a snippet of the topic and then a link to the PDF download.

Please don't hesitate to reach out should you have any questions on this. Blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ!

If you have questions about the teachings or in order to contact Bob and Jean for any reason, use the contact information, below:

Bob and Jean Shaw

2023 Newsletters

January 2023
Topic: Servanthood, Overcomers & Endurance

February 2023
Topic: Life on earth is an Open Book/Bible Test

March 2023
Topic: Words we Speak and Divine Healing, as well as the Conscious and Subconscious Mind

April 2023
Topic: “Real Ministry” and “Biblical Revival"

May 2023
Topic: Unforgiveness, Offenses, and Jealousy

June 2023
Topic: “Self-Deliverance” & “Help” for ones that need to be “Set-Free”

July 2023
Topic: “Great Commission” & “Real Ministry”

August 2023
Topic: “Days of Noah”, “Last Days” and the word “IF”

September 2023
Topic: “Ambassadors of Heaven” and “God's Kingdom”

October 2023
Topic: Power of Imagination, Agreement, and Visions/Dreams/Prophetic Words

November 2023
Topic: Strong and Courageous with Perseverance and Hope

December 2023
Topic: The Great Disappearance